Quasi or Pseudo?
Explaining why I've been calling myself "quasi-retired" again, instead of "pseudo-retired", there's a subtle difference in these two words.As an American my dictionary of choice is Merriam-Webster. For quasi, it says: "having some resemblance usually by possession of certain attributes". For pseudo, it says: "being apparently rather than actually as stated; sham; spurious".
It's really just a matter of degree. We could model this with fuzzy set theory. If I'm quasi-retired, that means I have possession of certain attributes normally associated with being actually retired. Chief of those is not having a job. Other commonalities are not actually looking for a job, not intending to look for a job for the indefinite future, and not financially needing a job for the indefinite future.
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Oath of Non-Allegiance
Came again across Alistair Cockburn's Oath of Non-Allegiance.I promise not to exclude from consideration any idea based on its source, but to consider ideas across schools and heritages in order to find the ones that best suit the current situation.
I'm in. Nice logo too.

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Globals in Lisp
I've been reading posts from Claus Brod's blog lately after having discovered him while tracking down the claim on Creo Elements using Lisp. He's got some interesting thoughts! It's also fun to see someone who I'd bet is pretty close to a programming god (CAD stuff seems up there in the hardcore tier to me) ponder such low level and trivial details like globals in Lisp.As I write more software in Lisp I can feel my opinions converging on the matter in terms of a preferred style, but as yet I am undecided. So let me instead just spitball some thoughts.
First, globals in Lisp aren't actually global in the same way they are in C, because we have namespaces/packages. This immediately lowers their level of "evilness" in my book. Similarly Lisp's form of goto is a labeled goto, rather than a "move the PC to any address and continue executing" goto, and thus is also less evil than archaic mantras suggest.
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