Japan Trip 6
Previously.Had another good trip to Japan from December 6th to January 9th. I didn't need to be gone so long, but I wanted to be available on the 7th for reasons. (An extra reason ended up being a tekken tournament I went to, which was cool.)
A bunch of day to day details are in my Happenings post so I'll just very briefly summarize some things here I guess.
The main purpose was of course to see my favorite idol perform in her birthday live. I helped out again in the preparations this year.
I got to do a lot of unique things in a professional context I wouldn't have otherwise.. and eat a lot of fancy expensive food too.
I summoned enough courage to ask my stupid question I wanted to ask last time, and got the answer I expected, which nevertheless made me sad. Ah well. Still overall a great trip. Lots of nice photos.
If she does another event in December, or joins a new group before then, perhaps I'll come back...
I'unno. I'm burnt out on travel right now. Burnt out on Japan a bit too.
Next time I might want to try renting a car...
Anyway, since more day to day details are in other post, I'll just end here for now. Maybe sometime I'll edit this post, or add some photos, or something, but I don't know.
I really don't know (what to do with my life)
Posted on 2025-01-14 by Jach
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