Jach's personal blog

(Largely containing a mind-dump to myselves: past, present, and future)
Current favorite quote: "Supposedly smart people are weirdly ignorant of Bayes' Rule." William B Vogt, 2010

Two problems addressed by an issue tracker, testing, and code review

I haven't been coding much since "retirement". A bit here and there, and I enjoy it every time, but sometimes I'll go weeks without doing any. Still, what little I've done, I've recognized some insights about myself and the way I write software that I might not necessarily have fully gained if I still had employment. It's nothing mind-blowing, I'm sure many programmers either realize something similar already, or just don't have the same problems. (Parts of the methodologies of professional development try to prevent the problems from arising, and you can make use of those as an amateur/hobbyist/out-of-worker just fine, as we'll see.)

The way to approach this is by noticing two "problems". They both stem from the fact that left to my own devices, my development flow naturally drifts towards a lazy style reminiscent of when I first started programming and didn't know any discipline to make things better. Sometimes that's fine, you can just brute-force it, and indeed that's how many of the things I did got done. An example of this style is not using version control much -- just develop the whole thing until it's ready, then commit it and ship it! Once I have a "base thing" though, I can then more easily apply some discipline, so the two problems I'm now going to highlight come most strongly in the earlier phase.

The first problem I found nicely described by this old blog: Imagination Overrun. The second problem is also described there, Knowing When You're Done.

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