Flex XMLList Set Intersections, Unions, Differences
Here's some code I wrote recently I felt like sharing with the world, just because. Consider it public domain, no warranties, guarantees, etc. Don't know how it will work with XML with children. (Actually it works as expected. These functions and some array-versions I implemented have been quite useful.)
// The following XML set functions are not implemented with efficiency in mind;
// probably best not to use them for large sets.
* var l1:XMLList = new XMLList('<user name="bob" /><user grade="4" name="alice" /><user name="susie" />');
* var l2:XMLList = new XMLList('<user name="alice" grade="4" /><user name="frank" />');
* trace("diff: " + CustomFuncs.XMLdifference(l1, l2).toXMLString());
* trace("union: " + CustomFuncs.XMLunion(l1, l2).toXMLString());
* trace("intersection: " + CustomFuncs.XMLintersection(l1, l2).toXMLString());
* trace("symm diff: " + CustomFuncs.XMLsymmetric_difference(l1, l2).toXMLString());
* (Output:)
* diff: <user name="bob"/>
* <user name="susie"/>
* union: <user name="bob"/>
* <user grade="4" name="alice"/>
* <user name="susie"/>
* <user name="frank"/>
* intersection: <user grade="4" name="alice"/>
* symm diff: <user name="bob"/>
* <user name="susie"/>
* <user name="frank"/>
public static function XMLdifference(list1:XMLList, list2:XMLList) : XMLList {
// list1 - list2 = set of nodes in list 1 minus any that also appear in list2
var diff:XMLList = new XMLList();
for each (var node:XML in list1) {
if (!list2.contains(node)) {
diff += node;
return diff;
public static function XMLunion(list1:XMLList, list2:XMLList) : XMLList {
// set of nodes in l1 and l2
var union:XMLList = new XMLList(list1);
for each (var node:XML in list2) {
if (!list1.contains(node)) {
union += node;
return union;
public static function XMLintersection(list1:XMLList, list2:XMLList) : XMLList {
// set of nodes in l1 and l2
var intersection:XMLList = new XMLList();
for each (var node:XML in list1) {
if (list2.contains(node)) {
intersection += node;
return intersection;
public static function XMLsymmetric_difference(list1:XMLList, list2:XMLList) : XMLList {
// set of nodes in l1 or l2 but not both (xor)
var symm_diff:XMLList = new XMLList();
for each (var node:XML in list1) {
if (!list2.contains(node)) {
symm_diff += node;
for each (var node2:XML in list2) {
if (!list1.contains(node2)) {
symm_diff += node2;
return symm_diff;
Posted on 2010-06-30 by Jach
Tags: flex, programming
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